Immediately After a Motor Vehicle Accident

By Roger Foisy on July 26th, 2011

Immediately after a car accident or other motor vehicle accident there are few important things you need to consider:

Keep your composure: It is important that you remain calm. Do not argue with other drivers and passengers. Save your story for the police. Do not leave! If you leave the scene of an accident you may be subject to criminal prosecution. Do not voluntarily assume liability or take responsibility, sign statements regarding fault, or promise to pay for damage at the scene of the accident.

Take action: If someone is injured in the car accident, call 911 and follow the instructions given to you by the emergency operator. Police will arrive to the accident scene as soon as possible. If no one is injured call your local police for instructions. Do not try to move anyone injured in the car accident. If it is safe to do so, move your vehicle to the side of the road, out of traffic. If your vehicle cannot be driven, turn on your hazard lights or use cones, warning triangles or flares, as appropriate.

Obtain Information: Write down the names, addresses, and telephone and driver’s licence numbers of all of the other drivers involved in the car accident, the licence plate numbers of the other vehicles, as well as the names and addresses of the registered owners of the vehicles, and the insurance information for each of the other vehicles. If possible, obtain the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of passengers and witnesses to the car accident. Jot down specific details about the scene of the accident. Report the motor vehicle accident to your broker, agent, or insurance company as soon as possible.

For more information on filing an insurance claim with your insurance company, visit FSCO’s website:, or call FSCO: (416) 250-7250, Toll-free: 1-800-668-0128, and ask for a copy of our After an Auto Accident: Understanding the Claims Process brochure.

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