Comminuted Fracture of the Femoral Shaft

A fracture of your thighbone (femur) commonly occurs when a lot of force is applied to it, such as in car accidents. In a comminuted fracture, the bone will have broken into three or more pieces. Common symptoms include: immediate pain, inability to put weight on the injured leg, or injured leg looks shorter than other leg and no longer straight.

Potential Settlement Value

In 2011, the Court in Morin v Korkola, 2011 ONSC 1393 awarded the injured person $75,000 for injuries that included a fracture of the femoral shaft.

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*Disclaimer: These illustrations should not be relied on as medically accurate. Always consult your healthcare
practitioner to better understand your injuries. In determining the potential settlement value of pain and
suffering awards, many factors need to be considered. The awards given as examples are specific to a particular
set of facts. Always consult your legal representative for a more accurate assessment of your specific case.