TMJ injuries involve pain and dysfunction of the muscles that move the jaw and the joints which connect the jawbone to the skull. Some causes include injury to the teeth, jaw, or arthritis.
In this article, we will take a look at two TMJ injuries and historical examples of the personal injury settlement values victims have received:
Potential Settlement: Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome
Injured persons with TMJ syndrome will commonly experience restricted movement and pain in the jawbone, noises during jaw movement, ear pain, pain in the temple area, and headaches.
In 2009, the Court in Russel v Turcott, 2009 ABQB 19 awarded the injured person $115,000 for injuries that included TMJ.
To read the full decision, click here.
Potential Settlement: Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disc Displacement
TMJ disc displacement involves the displacement of the articular disc. Symptoms include: localized joint pain and popping on jaw movement. A TMJ disc displacement may result in restricted jaw opening (locked jaw), pain in the ear, and pain around the temporomandibular joint which could also include debilitating headaches.
In 1995, the Court in Koukounakis v Stainrod, 1995 CanLII 621 (ON CA) awarded the injured person $180,000 for injuries that included TMJ disc displacement.
To read the full decision, click here.
Receiving the Settlement You Deserve
People often believe that settlement value is mostly determined by the extent of the injury. While this is a factor, the most important information is how the injury has impacted your life. In other words, what does the injury prevent you from being able to do and how does this affect you?
A thorough lawyer should take the time to fully understand your specific situation, including your life and responsibilities before and after your accident, to ensure you do not under-settle your case. By quantifying every possible loss, you are more likely to receive a just settlement that will help to ease the financial burdens that usually occur during recovery.
If you have sustained a personal injury at another party’s fault, please contact me and my team of experienced personal injury lawyers for a free consultation.
Watch my video series about personal injury law.
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