Has Your Long Term Disability Been Terminated [Video]?

By Roger Foisy on June 14th, 2021

You have seen little if any improvement in your physical and mental health, but your long term disability has been terminated. You have not received the go-ahead from your doctor to return to work, and you continue to take the same or more medication.

So, how can the insurance company doctor who barely knows you or saw you only once, decide that you can go back to work?

Ask yourself what changed…Why did the insurance company terminate your benefits?

What changed was the definition your insurance company now uses to define disability and your ability to return to work.

If you were told that a diagnosis is required to be eligible for long term disability, let me assure you that this is not true.

Watch our short video that explains why you should contact a lawyer if your long term disability claim has been terminated.

Foisy and Associates personal injury and disability law firm represents individuals who have had their long term disability claims terminated. We have been handling long term disability terminations for more than 20 years, and have a track record of success.

If you face a situation where your long term disability claim has been terminated, contact us and speak to one of our lawyers.

We can help get you the benefits you deserve!

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